Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Halloween Fun
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween Party
(unfortunately, I didn't get a good pic of Dad in his costume!)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bugs for Breakfast
Needless to say, I began to immediately clean out his mouth. I had told Jay last night that it was probably time to start brushing Hudson's teeth since our first tooth has finally come through. Now was the time! So, I scrubbed out his little mouth trying my best to clean it out. He actually enjoyed the mouth cleansing. I used this little finger brush thing, and he liked biting down on my finger.
Other than his new love for bugs, Hudson and I are doing great. He is amazing us with what he is learning. He loves making a "b" sound and telling everything bye-bye with a wave. He is crazy about books. He wants to throw them all down on the floor and search for his favorites. He doesn't like it when I put them on the shelf. He is more expressive about what he likes and doesn't like. I can see temper tanrums on the horizon, but for now I can make things better fairly quickly. All and all, life is good...even with the bugs, I suppose.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Things for a New Year
His vocabulary comprehension is also becoming more apparent. He responds well to "sit down," which is important to us when he approaches the steps down to the laundry room. He loves to be in the kitchen and watch the pictures on the computer in the laundry room, but we make him sit down so he doesn't fall down the steps. He also runs to the back door when I ask him if he wants to go outside. I think Bailey taught him that trick. He responds in the same way when I ask him if he's ready to take a bath. It's been so neat to see what he can comprehend.
Oh, and we're so excited because we see his first tooth coming in. We're taking bets about when it will actually break through.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Hudson!
Although we had Hudson's birthday party last Saturday, his actual birthday was not until this Tuesday. We decided we would spend the day together as a family to celebrate Hudson's birthday.
We drove over to Tulsa and took pictures together, which was less than pleasant. Poor Hudson was just scared of the photographer. I think I might have been too. They do such goofy things to make children smile. We ended up with a few good pictures. The positive side was that I did not have any difficulty selecting which pictures to buy. There were not too many good ones. :)
Pa and Gigi joined us for lunch at the mall. That was a lot of fun. Hudson even got to open a few more presents at lunch! Then we went to Pumpkin Town, which was the part I was most excited about. The weather was not good, but Hudson still had a great time. He rode his first pony and played with all the pumpkins. He loves picking up pumpkins and throwing them down. It was a short visit due to the weather, but we left just in time for Hudson to nap on the way home.
At home he got to enjoy a birthday cookie (thanks Gigi!) and open presents from Mom and Dad. He enjoyed the box we gave him more than the gift itself. Oh, to be one! It was a great day, and I can't believe we have a one year old!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Hudson's Birthday Party
Saturday was Hudson's first birthday party. I have spent much of my free time time over the last two months thinking through all the small details off how to make this day special, and it was all worth it. It wasn't the decorations or food that made the day special, but the time that we had to spend with family and close friends celebrating the life of our sweet Hudson. Almost all of our guests were from Tulsa and beyond (including Mississippi and Tennessee). What dedicated family!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Baby or a Big Boy
Moving him to his bed, of course, has turned out very well and allows all of us to sleep better. Since the move I've also realized that watching him grow and change is exciting, and he certainly still needs and wants us. With his first birthday approaching, I am seeing glimpses of Hudson becoming more of a "big boy" and less of a baby.
Hudson has become very brave and curious. Stairs, loud machines, and barking dogs don't frighten him. He loves them. He squeals in delight when Bailey is barking and running at him full speed. When I'm vacuuming, he often comes and stands right in front of the moving vacuum cleaner just to touch it. He loves nature. He is fascinated by leaves, dirt, and rocks. I was quite proud of myself for letting him pick up dirt yesterday when we were outside even thought he was wearing a creme outfit. He also loves being a "mighty man" and lifting large items (like his empty diaper boxes) and grunting.
On the other hand, I just treasure the moments when he is still my sweet little baby. He just started coming and sitting in my lap now when it's time to read. He stands in front of me and maneuvers his chubby legs backward until he falls in my lap. I love it when I can get him after a nap when he's still tired and he lets me rock him.
I am trying to remember just to treasure the moments, enjoy them, and realize he still has plenty of time before he really is a big boy. I think I can still call him my baby for a few more years before he tells me to stop. :)
This is a video of Hudson's pig impression...we love it!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tahlequah and The Standing Teepee
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hudson's Best Buddies
Hudson and Spencer playing ball...you can hear Spencer say "Hudson"
We went to visit our cousins and best buddies, Spencer (1) and Ally (3), several times this summer. While Jay was off for a week studying theology at Dallas Seminary, Hudson, Bailey, and I took a vacation to Pa and Gigi's house. This week was extra special because Spencer and Ally (and Teresa and Seth) were also staying there as their new house was not yet complete.
Hudson and Spencer played really well together for the first time during that week. Spencer learned to say Hudson's name...so precious...and would say it over and over again. He even started calling me Hudson for awhile before learning to say my name. I love hearing a baby learn to say new words.
We love playing with our cousins and are very eager for the arrival of baby boy Thompson in January. Yea for boys!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Nose Kisses
I realized after then that I should be doing a better job of recording these special moments with Hudson. His first birthday is coming quickly, and I am sad to admit that I can't remember some parts of his first months. I've kept up his baby book, but it's a simple format without room for anecdotes and such.