Since we've been home, I've come to notice several of my new favorites th
ings that Hudson has done. One of my favs is what I call the "standing teepee." When Hudson starts to stand, he uses his hands to help him up. Sometimes he'll keep his head down and just rest there for awhile, thus the "standing teepee." So funny. This a picture of him starting the move. I haven't been able to capture a good picture yet.
His sense of humor is really developing as well. He makes goofy noises or faces and then lets out a little chuckle when he gets a reaction from us. Another thing I just love is after a nap when we'll stand over the crib and he'll say "ba ba" as he drops his pacifier back in the crib for later. (For those of you keeping track, we do believe this counts as his first word).
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