I enjoy tracking what our days look like, so here's what a typical day looks like for us right now. Now that Athan can stay awake longer (2.5, then 3, then 3.5 hours), we have much more freedom and activity.
Athan's usually awake first, then Hudson, and it's between 7 and 8. We all eat breakfast together (some days Jay is home and reads a daily Psalm to us), and then get the boys dressed. To start the day, I encourage Hudson to play alone in his room, while I keep Athan with me and do my "jobs" around the house. Athan naps something like 9:30-10:30. That is a special time for me and Hudson. He even knows it as "Mommy/Hudson special time." We usually sit at the table and do some activity- cutting, drawing, games (or just play whatever he wants) and have a snack. I love that time. After Athan wakes up and eats, we try to head out. We take a walk, go to the park, or venture to the library.
Then it's lunch time. Jay tries to come home two days a week, and our friend Sarah comes over on Wednesdays. After lunch, it's puzzles, books, and bed for Hudson, then eat and bed for Athan. Hudson usually wakes first, and we cuddle up on the couch while watching Curious George (gotta love that little monkey!). Then Athan wakes up as well around 4:00. By this point in the day, I feel like we're in the home stretch!
Jay is usually home around 5:30, and he plays with the boys while I make dinner. It's been dinner at 6:30 for years now. I actually feel guilty if I get dinner on the table at 6:33 (my own pressure, not my wonderful husband's!). Jay cleans the dishes, and by this time Athan starts to feel fussy. I bathe him, feed him, and then Jay puts him to bed. One ritual we enjoy now is gathering together before Athan goes to sleep. We all sit near the rocking chair next to his crib and discuss our "favorite part of the day," and Jay prays for the boys. Hudson gets a little longer to play before bath, a puzzle, books, and bed.
While Athan's changes are much more apparent, Hudson continues to grow and learn new things as well. His literacy skills are multiplying rapidly. He can recognize h's ("one line up, and one little hill") and has memorized several books (In the Snow, Firehouse, and parts of Curious George.) He enjoys "reading" them to us. He has parts to most of his books memorized and will correct you if they are misread. On the other hand, there are still 2 words that he just cannot say, and I love that. He says "firnana" for banana, and "firdult" for adult. He's also much more independent in dressing himself, which means asking for his football jersey and Lighting McQueen light-up shoes daily. He faithfully takes his plate to the kitchen sink, puts his shoes and jacket away when coming inside, and puts his toys away when changing activities. He does actually hear me! Currently, Hudson's favorite play activities are firemen (trucks or actual dress up), still loving the CARS guys, trains, football, soccer, drums, and this animal candyland-type game my mom got him.
I mentioned walks above. A big change in our family is that Hudson is now an actual walker. Ever since we got our dog Bailey, Jay and I looked forward to our daily walk after work. When Hudson was born, he just got added to that. Now the walks have changed, and poor Bailey and even Jay are often not included. When it's just me and the boys, it's so nice for Hudson to walk next to me, and we play lots of looking/nature games.
My blessings are so apparent to me right now. I love this precious time with my boys, and am grateful for the priviledge of caring for them myself.