Moving him to his bed, of course, has turned out very well and allows all of us to sleep better. Since the move I've also realized that watching him grow and change is exciting, and he certainly still needs and wants us. With his first birthday approaching, I am seeing glimpses of Hudson becoming more of a "big boy" and less of a baby.
Hudson has become very brave and curious. Stairs, loud machines, and barking dogs don't frighten him. He loves them. He squeals in delight when Bailey is barking and running at him full speed. When I'm vacuuming, he often comes and stands right in front of the moving vacuum cleaner just to touch it. He loves nature. He is fascinated by leaves, dirt, and rocks. I was quite proud of myself for letting him pick up dirt yesterday when we were outside even thought he was wearing a creme outfit. He also loves being a "mighty man" and lifting large items (like his empty diaper boxes) and grunting.
On the other hand, I just treasure the moments when he is still my sweet little baby. He just started coming and sitting in my lap now when it's time to read. He stands in front of me and maneuvers his chubby legs backward until he falls in my lap. I love it when I can get him after a nap when he's still tired and he lets me rock him.
I am trying to remember just to treasure the moments, enjoy them, and realize he still has plenty of time before he really is a big boy. I think I can still call him my baby for a few more years before he tells me to stop. :)
This is a video of Hudson's pig impression...we love it!!!