Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Halloween Fun

I haven't posted our wonderful Halloween pictures yet, but that is not because we didn't have a great time. I'm assigning the blame to the sickness we've all had these past few weeks, which also translates to sleep deprivation. Jay got sick, then shared his germs with Hudson, who then passed them on to me. Ah, family! It's awful when a little one is sick. You want so badly to help them feel better, but there's not much you can do. Fortunately, my mom came up for awhile so I had help giving him extra TLC.
We're feeling (and sleeping) much better, but Hudson and I decided to stay home all morning, which is unusual for us. I think the phrase "stay at home" mom is quite contradictory because most moms with that title are always on the go. It's nice to have time to allow Hudson to play with his toys and for me to stop long enough with him to watch him accomplish small feats, such as today when he realized that his rubber blocks can be used for stacking. He usually waits until I have made a neatly patterned tower and then gleefully knocks them over. Today, however, he stacked several together with much concentration and a steady hand from Mom. It was a great moment!

We had a great Halloween weekend: visiting pregnant Aunt Kandace, trick-or-treating in Starkville, and watching the Bulldogs play. Although State didn't win, Hudson and I will remember that they did because when we left the game, they were ahead! Here a few pictures from our wonderful Tennessee/Mississippi trip. (Note: Aunt Kandace is intentionally left out of these pictures at her own request).